In today’s fast-paced corporate environment, maintaining a vibrant and cohesive team spirit is essential. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through indoor team building activities. These activities not only break the monotony of daily routines but also foster a sense of unity and collaboration among colleagues.

As we dive into our list of the top 6 office games, remember that these aren’t just games – they’re stepping stones towards a more harmonious and productive workplace. Embrace these activities with an open mind, and watch as they transform your office dynamics for the better.

1. Office Trivia Challenge

Kick off your team-building efforts with an Office Trivia Challenge! This game is perfect for testing how well team members know their workplace and each other. Divide the group into teams and prepare questions related to the company, its employees, or general work-related trivia. It’s a fun way to learn about each other and the organisation, fostering a deeper sense of belonging and understanding.

2. The Great Paper Airplane Contest

Unleash creativity and a bit of healthy competition with The Great Paper Airplane Contest. Participants create paper aeroplanes and compete to see whose design flies the farthest or performs the best tricks. This activity encourages innovation and out-of-the-box thinking, crucial skills in any business setting.

3. Puzzle Break

Puzzle Break is a fantastic game where teams work together to solve a puzzle within a set time frame. It could be a jigsaw puzzle, a series of riddles, or a combination of both. This game highlights the importance of teamwork and collective problem-solving, skills essential in any office environment.

4. Office Scavenger Hunt

An Office Scavenger Hunt is an exhilarating way to explore the workplace. Teams race to find items or complete tasks listed in a scavenger hunt sheet. This game is not only fun but also a great way to encourage team members to interact with different parts of the office and with colleagues they might not usually work with.

5. The Silent Line-Up

This game involves team members lining up in order of height, tenure, or age without speaking. The Silent Line-Up emphasises non-verbal communication and the ability to work together without words, a unique approach to enhancing team synergy.

6. Creative Brainstorming Session

End with a Creative Brainstorming Session. This isn’t just a game but a practical activity where teams brainstorm ideas for actual projects or workplace improvements. It’s a productive way to end the team-building session, with tangible outcomes that can be implemented in the workplace.


These top 6 office games are more than just fun indoor team building activities; they are essential tools for building a robust and collaborative work environment. By engaging in these games, teams not only enjoy a break from the regular work routine but also develop critical skills necessary for a productive and harmonious workplace.

For further inspiration on team-building activities, consider exploring articles that discuss innovative team engagement strategies. Such resources can provide additional ideas and insights, ensuring your team remains motivated and unified, ready to tackle any challenge that comes their way.